


Ungleich Matrix-as-a-Service (MaaS) » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Timothée Floure, 01/09/2020 02:03 PM) → Revision 4/52 (Timothée Floure, 01/09/2020 02:05 PM)

h1. Ungleich Matrix-as-a-Service (MaaS) 


 *%{color:red}This document concerns end-users/customers. See [[The ungleich Matrix infrastructure]] page for server-side documentation.%* 

 h2. Status 

 This document is *A DRAFT*. *%{color:red}The MaaS offer has not been released yet%.* 

 h2. Overview 

 TODO: explain what MaaS,riot MaaS is. Riot overview: 
 TODO: screenshots of riot 

 h2. FAQ 

 h3. Q: How does pricing work? 


 h3. Q: How many users can I have? What are the resources allocated to my matrix server? 


 h3. Q: What server name will I get? 

 You can either use your own domain name (see below) or ask us for $ANYTHING.???.??.  

 h3. Q: Can I use a custom domain name? 

 Yes! You will have to give us two domain names: 

 * (A) The base server name, used in the MXIDs (e.g. 
   - You will have to serve a file containing *{"m.server": "address_of_B:443"}* on *.well-known/matrix/server*. Example: <pre>$ curl 
 {"m.server": ""}</pre> 
 * (B) An address for the Matrix server and client (e.g. 
   - You will have to add a DNS A record poiting to 
   - You will have to add a DNS AAAA record pointing to an IPv6 address dedicated to your deployment. 

 h3. Q: What server implementation and version do you use? 

 We use the "synapse reference homeserver": package "provided by the buster-backports repository": 

 h3. Q: What client can I use? Do you recommend one? 

 We recommend and provide you a web version of the "Riot client": (desktop and mobile) but you can use "any matrix client": 

 h3. Q: Can I set option X in synapse/riot? 

 Yes! Contact the ungleich support with the requested changes, which we will apply to the deployment configuration of your instance. 

 h3. Q: Do you provide a TURN server for VoIP? 

 Not yet, but it is planned. 

 h3. Q: What are application services, can I use them? 

 Matrix support a variety of external services (bridges to IRC, Telegram, Mattermost, ...) integrated via the Application Service API. ungleich do not provide official support for them but you can contact us for a personalized deployment.