Task #7764
closedDirty LDAP entries
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The customer tree of our production LDAP environment contains dirty entries created by dynamicweb:
- The `uid` field is duplicated and the 'primary' (= used in DN) one is corrupted somehow: @b'intended_username'
- Looks like python bytestring (or whatever it is called).
- fix dynamicweb so that new entries are correct.
- clean existing entries.
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Updated by Timothée Floure about 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Timothée Floure to Mondi Ravi
Updated by Mondi Ravi about 5 years ago
Okay, here's the rough code that checks if a given uid has a bytestring type representation, and then modifies it to have the correct value.
# import class and constants from ldap3 import Server, Connection from django.conf import settings import ldap3 # define the server s = ldap3.Server(settings.AUTH_LDAP_SERVER) # define the connection c = ldap3.Connection(s, user=settings.LDAP_ADMIN_DN, password=settings.LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD, raise_exceptions=True) c.bind() # uid to search and modify uid="coderpurple12gmailcom" result = search_base=settings.ENTIRE_SEARCH_BASE, search_filter='(uid={uid})'.format(uid=uid) ) entries = c.entries if entries[0].entry_dn.startswith("uid=b'"): dn = entries[0].entry_dn new_superior = dn[dn.index(",")+1:] c.modify_dn(entries[0].entry_dn, # dn "uid={uid}".format(uid=uid), # relative_dn True, # delete_old_dn new_superior) # new_superior print(c.result) # close the connection c.unbind()
Next step: need to loop through all entries and apply this change.
Updated by Mondi Ravi about 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
This was resolved on 2.10.2b and deployed to production today.
Updated by Mondi Ravi about 5 years ago
this is the final code that I used for modifying existing entries.
from ldap3 import Server, Connection from django.conf import settings import ldap3 import sys # define the server s = ldap3.Server(settings.AUTH_LDAP_SERVER) # define the connection c = ldap3.Connection(s, user=settings.LDAP_ADMIN_DN, password=settings.LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD, raise_exceptions=True) c.bind() # uid to search and modify uid_number_start=10053 uid_number_end=10400 x = range(uid_number_start, uid_number_end, 1) for uid_number in x: print("%s" % uid_number) result = search_base=settings.LDAP_CUSTOMER_DN, search_filter='(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(objectClass=posixAccount)' '(objectClass=top)(uidNumber={uidNumber}))'.format(uidNumber=uid_number), attributes=['uid', 'mail'] ) entries = c.entries if len(entries)>0: print(str(entries[0].mail) + " --- " + str(entries[0].entry_dn)) if entries[0].entry_dn.startswith("uid=b'"): uid = entries[0].uid[0] dn = entries[0].entry_dn new_superior = dn[dn.index(",")+1:] print("dn=%s, new_superior=%s, uid=%s" % (dn, new_superior, uid)) c.modify_dn(entries[0].entry_dn, "uid={uid}".format(uid=uid),True, new_superior) print(c.result) else: print("Entry DN %s does not start with b'" % entries[0].entry_dn) else: print("Could not find an entry for uid_number=%s" % uid_number) print("*******") # close the connection c.unbind()
Updated by Nico Schottelius about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed writes: