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Nico Schottelius, 11/11/2018 11:18 AM

The ungleich support and ticketing infrastructure


This article is IN PROGRESS.


In the ungleich infrastructure we use

  • request tracker to handle customer requests
  • redmine for project management, knowledge base, process documentation, task organisation

New customer request handling

  • All customer requests are routed into RT
  • The group responsible for the email / topic / queue gets notified
  • First person seeing it picks it for answering
  • The project manager checks once per day that there is no ticket that is not taken
  • If the request only needs an answer, answer it directly
  • If the request requires work, create a related redmine ticket for it
    • The assignee of the support request does not have to be the same as in redmine (!)

Ticket handling

How to handle internal tickets is defined in Ticket Handling

Updated by Nico Schottelius almost 6 years ago · 2 revisions