



From 11/19/2019 to 12/18/2019


06:45 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7478 (Feedback): Create script to create centos8 image suitable for opennebula
Related Merge Request:
The image has been d...
Timothée Floure
05:41 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7472 (Closed): Fix the fedora image for resize

Nice job! writes:
Nico Schottelius
05:23 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7472 (Resolved): Fix the fedora image for resize
Solved by Timothée Floure
12:49 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7345: Cleanup & upstream matrix-related types
Moving ticket to Open Infrastructure Nico Schottelius
12:37 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6694: Setup matrix server and bridge matermost into it
I've been working on matrix cdists types during the last H4G:
It's not compl...
Timothée Floure
12:00 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7496 (Closed): Create 2 new IPv6 only unbound based resolving DNS servers providing DNS64
h2. Background
We want VPN users or anyone to be able to select if they get NAT64 or not. Currently our bind decid...
Nico Schottelius
11:14 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6671: Setup mastodon/pleroma for ungleich
ack writes:
Nico Schottelius
10:54 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6671 (Seen): Setup mastodon/pleroma for ungleich
I just gave a quick look at both the initial Mastodon implementation and Pleroma and will likely go with the later:
Timothée Floure


02:02 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7478 (In Progress): Create script to create centos8 image suitable for opennebula
Timothée Floure
02:01 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7478: Create script to create centos8 image suitable for opennebula
I bootstraped an initial image but there's still some cleanup to do. Timothée Floure
10:07 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7482: On Alpine Linux the monit job for node-exporter uses the wrong path
> Add an "os" check into manifest/dcl in the router section to use a different __ungleich_monit config depending on t... Timothée Floure


11:03 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7483 (Closed): Update the __consul cdist type for alpine
seems like the configuration place is different on current alpine that what we assumed/what is in our normal config f... Nico Schottelius
11:01 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7482 (Closed): On Alpine Linux the monit job for node-exporter uses the wrong path
Current state is:... Nico Schottelius
05:31 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7478 (Closed): Create script to create centos8 image suitable for opennebula
* or similar
* goes into ungleich-tools
Nico Schottelius
11:47 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7472 (Closed): Fix the fedora image for resize
* In theory the opennebula scripts *should* do that
** I think I have even seen scripts in /etc/one-context.d that *...
Nico Schottelius


05:04 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7456 (Rejected): Prototype support for IPv6 only mail servers
* incoming via bounce/transfer host
** whitelist of domains + smarthost settings?
* outgoing
** check whether MX ...
Nico Schottelius


03:04 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6601: Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
place9 is no more/ partially moved to place10 ll nu
11:54 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6601 (Closed): Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
ll nu
03:02 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7185: Setup network monitoring system on new off-site VPS
ABK is added to sre@
imap mailbox creation is pending
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7185 (Seen): Setup network monitoring system on new off-site VPS
ll nu
11:57 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7365 (Closed): Create an IPv6 only bootable network
ll nu
11:33 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7365 (Resolved): Create an IPv6 only bootable network
ll nu
11:54 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7026 (Closed): place9 hacking for getting ceph + netboot running
ll nu
11:54 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6982 (Closed): Ensure that setting up a new ceph cluster is less than 5 minutes of work
ll nu
11:54 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6582 (Closed): Setup the first router
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7438 (Seen): Explore local ucloud setup
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7437 (Seen): Run ucloud with a single authentication token
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7409 (Seen): Replace ipv4 on internal routes with multip protocol IPv6
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7312 (Seen): Ensure that all available disks are correctly used in ceph
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7261 (Seen): Create ipv6-spoofing nebula n-interface for place5 and understand how and why it exists
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7162 (Seen): Submit a patch for the alpine bird2 package to run as user bird
ll nu
11:46 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7114 (Seen): Test performance of tayga-mt
ll nu


12:50 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7439 (Rejected): Add support for different authentication methods
* local/no authentication
* remote
** uotp
** ldap
** etcd based (???)
Nico Schottelius
12:37 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7438 (Closed): Explore local ucloud setup
* no public listeners
* all local
* no authentication
* no ceph by default
Nico Schottelius
12:35 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7437 (Closed): Run ucloud with a single authentication token
* No uotp
* No ldap
* No nothing
Nico Schottelius
10:58 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (In Progress): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
Nico Schottelius
10:57 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (New): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
Doc/uotp seems to be outdated:... Nico Schottelius
10:47 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (In Progress): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
Nico Schottelius
10:22 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7436 (Closed): Hack-a-ucloud-weekend (2019-12-07)
h2. objective
* get ucloud into a customer usable state
h2. Tasks
* how does a user interact with ucloud?
Nico Schottelius


12:44 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7427 (Rejected): Rough draft to support console on our VMs
* Migrate dynamicweb user base to ldap
** write script to migrate users (passwords? do we have to reset / have them ...
Nico Schottelius


07:20 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7182 (Resolved): Update router configuration for place5
ll nu
02:37 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7182: Update router configuration for place5
done ll nu
06:09 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7156 (Closed): Add new sunrise link to infrastrucure, introduce policy routing
Added long time ago Nico Schottelius
12:22 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7402 (Feedback): Reproduce issues in ucloud-pay
Things are setup at 2a0a:e5c0:0:5:0:78ff:fe11:d75c Ahmed Bilal
11:38 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7400: Switch all servers to IPv6 only netboot
place5 setup is continuing on 12-05
ll nu


10:05 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7172 (Closed): Setup new VM/service:
Ahmed Bilal


11:00 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366: Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
Files Den Ivanov
04:23 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7400: Switch all servers to IPv6 only netboot
place5 to de done on 2019-12-04 Nico Schottelius
04:16 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7172 (Resolved): Setup new VM/service:
Verified and finished so it's production ready.
cdist types are created, manifest is updated.
Dominique Roux
04:16 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7409 (Closed): Replace ipv4 on internal routes with multip protocol IPv6
Current limitation: need update to newer bird version
Nico Schottelius
11:48 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7193 (Closed): Move switches in place8 to a different rack
ll nu
10:08 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7122: Setup production etcd cluster in place6
Dominique Roux wrote:
> ...
> Currently there are some small problems with nftables (not loaded at boot).
> Wi...
Dominique Roux


09:41 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7345 (In Progress): Cleanup & upstream matrix-related types
Works but need more testing. I haven't forgotten this issue, which will be updated soon (TM). Timothée Floure
04:09 PM ipv6 Task #7405: Explore IPv6 compatible IoT devices
Nico Schottelius
04:07 PM ipv6 Task #7405 (Rejected): Explore IPv6 compatible IoT devices
Nico Schottelius
12:13 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7403 (Rejected): Create customer friendly guide for ucloud
Where do I go to for creating a VM?
How can I pay?
Where do I store my ssh keys?
How to reboot my VM?
Can I / how...
Ahmed Bilal
12:11 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7402 (Closed): Reproduce issues in ucloud-pay
Reproduce issues in ucloud-pay and share it with mravi Ahmed Bilal
12:09 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7401 (Rejected): Create ucloud package for python/alpine
Ahmed Bilal
12:02 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7400 (Closed): Switch all servers to IPv6 only netboot
h2. Objective
* Remove one of the last IPv4 bits from our infrastructure (-> less complexity)
* Test that all ser...
Nico Schottelius


09:40 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7379: Explore an "any name DNS service"
Wow, gandi is fast, this project can now be referred to here: Evil Ham
09:19 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7379: Explore an "any name DNS service"
also, TBA soon:
Evil Ham
03:55 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7399 (Closed): presentations hack4glarus 2019 winter
upload here hack4glarus 2019 winter presentations Guifi Pedro
11:46 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7398 (Closed): Add more Search Engines to ⚉ CopyScan
⚉ CopyScan is a Firefox Add-on for plagiarism detection. The add-on talks directy to search engines:
* Startpage (Go...
Martin Vögeli
11:41 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7376: Packer+Vagrant for OpenBSD (cont'd)
Had no time/motivation for vagrant ports(7) (ruby hell + unknown go build) Philipp Buehler
11:40 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7382 (Waiting): Monitoring at a different level (BPF/Suricata/Cilium)
Time ran out, VM too slow to install all necessary toolchain Philipp Buehler
03:34 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366: Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
7) Getting points for user: ``` curl -X POST -d user=sxiii ip/points ```
8) Challenge IPv6Address (checking if IP is...
Den Ivanov
03:03 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366: Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
Points now also work. Den Ivanov
02:26 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366: Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
Working for now with ETCD-3 and wrapper:
1) Information about the game: ("curl ip/index")
2) Registration of the n...
Den Ivanov


11:29 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7397: Create a script to create a net-bootable alpine image
Working:... Timothée Floure
09:22 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7397: Create a script to create a net-bootable alpine image
Current state:... Nico Schottelius
09:21 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7397 (Closed): Create a script to create a net-bootable alpine image
Nico Schottelius
09:49 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7364 (Closed): Crash course in cdist
Evil Ham
09:47 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7378: Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64
This might benefit from #7379 :-D Evil Ham
09:18 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7378: Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64
Some advices -> maybe that would help (*may be dependent on docker version):
1) Run docker with: ``` --ipv6 --fixed-...
Den Ivanov
12:34 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7378 (In Progress): Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64
Nico Schottelius
09:46 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7381 (Resolved): Monitor lorawan temperature sensors with prometheus + grafana Evil Ham
09:42 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7379 (Closed): Explore an "any name DNS service"
Made by Kamila, Fnux and Evilham :-). Self-Host all the things with name!
Evil Ham
08:18 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7371: mozilla iot
Tried hard to get the devices running with the mozilla stuff but failed... maybe we have to wait for better arduino/e... David Hasselhoff
08:14 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7375 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings notifier (telegram bot)
will not be made David Hasselhoff
08:13 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7373 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings Framework
David Hasselhoff
02:51 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7373: make a mozilla WebThings Framework
Try it with 2X10 devices, good luck David Hasselhoff
02:49 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7373: make a mozilla WebThings Framework
... David Hasselhoff
08:12 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7374 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings UI extension
David Hasselhoff
08:12 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7374: make a mozilla WebThings UI extension
!sc2.png! David Hasselhoff
08:11 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7374: make a mozilla WebThings UI extension
!Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-30 um 20.07.22.png! David Hasselhoff
02:42 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7374: make a mozilla WebThings UI extension
wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast...
David Hasselhoff
01:22 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7374: make a mozilla WebThings UI extension
user ungleich, pwd ungleich David Hasselhoff
01:20 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7374: make a mozilla WebThings UI extension
wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadc...
David Hasselhoff
07:36 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7390 (Closed): Boot alpine via IPv6 netboot from the arm64 servers
Nico Schottelius
07:32 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7389: Setup a webserver on the APU, create an ipxe script and add bootable files
... Nico Schottelius
07:30 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7389 (Closed): Setup a webserver on the APU, create an ipxe script and add bootable files
* install nginx
* download ipxescript
* download kernel
* download initramfs
* verify with wget or curl that the ...
Nico Schottelius
07:15 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366: Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
What's done for now in porting to ETCD-3:
1) Information about the game
2) Registration of the new user with his IP...
Den Ivanov
06:13 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366 (In Progress): Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
Den Ivanov
05:56 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7387 (Closed): Create an iPXE binary WITHOUT ipv4 support (only IPv6)
Nico Schottelius
05:30 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7122 (Resolved): Setup production etcd cluster in place6
This is done now
ETCD-Cluster available at:
Dominique Roux
02:04 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7377: Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
I'll try some joold magic today... Nico Schottelius
01:45 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7385 (Closed): Create a new service named "ipv6" that offers in ipv6 networkservices
* Reachable under http://ipv6/
* Be able to delegate a /64 network (why not dhcp-pd: too complex)
Nico Schottelius
01:31 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7376: Packer+Vagrant for OpenBSD (cont'd)
Working ports(7) Makefile for packer-builder-openbsd-vmm created
624cec4..4563cca master -> master
Philipp Buehler
02:51 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7372 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings gateway
David Hasselhoff
01:07 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7382: Monitoring at a different level (BPF/Suricata/Cilium)
The idea is to tproxy chain haproxy traffic and let suricata "inspect" the traffic.
Pull the eve.json output into EL...
Philipp Buehler
01:02 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7382: Monitoring at a different level (BPF/Suricata/Cilium)
Philipp Buehler


11:02 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7382 (Closed): Monitoring at a different level (BPF/Suricata/Cilium)
Traditional pull based monitoring (nagios et al) is DEAD>
Push based (partly Prometheus, Riemann) is cooler.
But ...
Philipp Buehler
10:49 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7381 (Closed): Monitor lorawan temperature sensors with prometheus + grafana
* For conrod Nico Schottelius
10:37 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7380 (Closed): Checking out BorgBackup
Learn to work with the deduplicating archiver with compression and encryption called *BorgBackup (short: Borg)*: http... Martin Vögeli
08:10 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7373: make a mozilla WebThings Framework
box David Hasselhoff
08:09 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7373 (In Progress): make a mozilla WebThings Framework
Does not work with ipv6 out of the boy David Hasselhoff
04:36 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7373 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings Framework David Hasselhoff
06:36 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7378: Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64
Is that related to ? Den Ivanov
06:08 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7378 (Closed): Document / explore on how to sensibly run docker with a /64
h2. draft 1: "https only"
* Block everything incoming besides https
* Reasoning:
** containers by default insecu...
Nico Schottelius
06:28 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7377: Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
ping Nico Schottelius
06:01 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7377 (Rejected): Create an active-active NAT64 gateway
* session sync & co.
* I'd recommend jool + joold, but open to options
Nico Schottelius
06:24 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366: Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
* you have an IPv6 address on your computer
* if you let nico know the address, we can route a /64
Nico Schottelius
04:31 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366: Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
Nico Schottelius wrote:
> * Probably for Marc & Den
Den's here. I think I can work more on the task. At least I'v...
Den Ivanov
11:53 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7366 (Closed): Finish the first levels of the ungleich-game
* Probably for Marc & Den
The story:...
* smallest network: /64 -> 64 bit
* there is a (web)server
h2. step...
Nico Schottelius
06:09 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7379 (Closed): Explore an "any name DNS service"
... and probably have it as an self hosted offer, too
* similar to "what three words"?
Nico Schottelius
05:53 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7376 (Closed): Packer+Vagrant for OpenBSD (cont'd)
Continuing Philipp Buehler
04:44 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7372 (In Progress): make a mozilla WebThings gateway
David Hasselhoff
04:36 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7372 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings gateway David Hasselhoff
04:39 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7375 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings notifier (telegram bot) David Hasselhoff
04:37 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7374 (Closed): make a mozilla WebThings UI extension David Hasselhoff
04:35 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7371 (Closed): mozilla iot
mozilla iot, but they mean wot, they are not exatly sure about it...
you can build a gateway and connect some things...
David Hasselhoff
04:34 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7359: Define how to properly use docker in ipv6 only networks
Nico Schottelius wrote:
> * How to do https?
> * How to do firewalling?
> * How to incorporate letsencrypt?
I c...
Den Ivanov
11:58 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7368 (Closed): Setup an ARM64 virtualisation server with alpine
* Running ucloud (?) Nico Schottelius
11:57 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7367 (Closed): Setup ARM64 IPv6 only netbooting
* With the ARM64 dev servers Nico Schottelius
11:52 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7365 (Closed): Create an IPv6 only bootable network
* bridging with ipxe/usb stick
* get 2 devices for netbooting
* get 4 usb sticks
* install ipxe to the usb stick
Nico Schottelius
11:50 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7364: Crash course in cdist
/descr Evil Ham
11:39 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7364: Crash course in cdist
ehem: Evil Ham
11:35 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7364 (Closed): Crash course in cdist
Shortish session generally addressing these questions:
- What is cdist? is a cross-platform provis...
Evil Ham
11:47 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7363 (Rejected): cdist crash course (~30m)
Duplicate Nico Schottelius
11:30 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7363 (Rejected): cdist crash course (~30m)
For anyone who is interested in learning about a shell based configuration management system Nico Schottelius
11:18 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7358: Compare mastodon servers && create cdist manifest of the easier one
From an operational viewpoint Pleroma comes highly recommended, e.g.:
Evil Ham
12:37 AM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7356: Provide the most awesome self hosted apps
Cool stuff:
Nico Schottelius


11:53 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7359 (Closed): Define how to properly use docker in ipv6 only networks
* How to do https?
* How to do firewalling?
* How to incorporate letsencrypt?
Nico Schottelius
11:52 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7358 (Closed): Compare mastodon servers && create cdist manifest of the easier one
Nico Schottelius
11:50 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7356 (Closed): Provide the most awesome self hosted apps
* Loosely based on
* VMs with /64 provided by Balazs
Nico Schottelius
10:56 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7354 (Closed): Create a NAT4664 PoC
Idea:... Nico Schottelius
08:33 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6872 (Closed): Create ucloud-vm
Ahmed Bilal
08:32 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6871 (Closed): Create ucloud-api
Ahmed Bilal
08:28 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6914 (Closed): ucloud-image-scanner
Ahmed Bilal
08:25 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6875 (Closed): Create ucloud-scheduler
Ahmed Bilal
04:01 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7352 (Closed): Find a way to update mikrotik routers in IPv6 only networks
* Download packets && scp && ssh? Nico Schottelius
03:41 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7350 (Closed): Add automatic / scheduled configuration support to cdist
To update list of hosts automatically Nico Schottelius
03:39 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7349 (Closed): Create a wifi bridge from Diesbach to Luchsingen
* Using 6 access points Nico Schottelius
03:38 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7348 (Closed): Create a devuan ucloud image
Nico Schottelius
03:38 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7347 (Closed): Create an Alpine ucloud image
* Maybe packer? Nico Schottelius
03:37 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7346 (Closed): Create an OpenBSD ucloud image
Nico Schottelius
03:36 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7345 (Closed): Cleanup & upstream matrix-related types
* So that we can offer matrix-as-a-service
* Consider if it is possible to run matrix on a v6 only VM and proxy into...
Nico Schottelius
03:36 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7344 (Closed): Create a matrix/mattermost bridge to and a cdist type for it
Nico Schottelius
01:48 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7343 (Closed): Create an automated routing daemon (IPv6)
* User A wants to have a network
* Gets a new network
* Routers will update their routes
** maybe using bgp/bird?
Nico Schottelius
01:45 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7342 (Closed): Create an RFC for adding DoT and DoH options to IPv6 router advertisements
Nico Schottelius
01:45 PM hack4glarus-2019-winter Task #7341 (Closed): Port ucloud to OpenBSD
Nico Schottelius


06:37 PM Open Infrastructure Task #7337 (Rejected): Import network documentation to Netbox
ll nu
11:40 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7335 (Rejected): Add alpine ceph install/helper scripts to ungleich-tools
Need to revise/polish before adding ll nu


11:58 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7112 (Closed): Userguide for ucloud
Ahmed Bilal
11:58 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7283 (Closed): Cleanups for ucloud 0.0.2
Ahmed Bilal


09:14 AM Open Infrastructure Task #7283 (Resolved): Cleanups for ucloud 0.0.2
Ahmed Bilal

Also available in: Atom