


Nico Schottelius's activity

From 04/22/2019 to 05/21/2019


09:27 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6712 (Rejected): Rework public key management on the DCL website
Allow customers to have different sets of keys for different VMs. Sets can also be empty.
We will integrate this f...
Nico Schottelius
12:46 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#12)
Nico Schottelius
09:36 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6709 (Closed): Configure IPv6 only netbooting
* Have 1 router installed
* Have 1 server boot via network
** get ipv6 address via RA (router advertisements)
** g...
Nico Schottelius


07:34 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6708 (Rejected): Create infrastructure usable for IPv6 workshops
Instead of focusing on hardware, we could also change data center light a bit, so that people can do the workshop wit... Nico Schottelius
06:04 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6707 (Closed): Find a router suitable for IPv6 workshops
Next IPv6 workshop will be at in June. Participants should be able to *route* networks => ne... Nico Schottelius
03:37 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_network_infrastructure (#15)
Nico Schottelius


07:49 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6632: Setup all servers physically and BIOS / idrac
please fix all servers so that the DIMM issues are gone, each server has 128GB RAM and is connected 1x with ...
Nico Schottelius
07:47 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6632 (In Progress): Setup all servers physically and BIOS / idrac
* All servers have 128+GB RAM => no
* Bios
* many servers not connected to power
* foreign disk conf...
Nico Schottelius


11:03 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6696 (Rejected): Update documentation / instructions on how to login to a new VM
It is not always clear to users => maybe add documentation in redmine here and link it from login? Nico Schottelius
10:13 AM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#11)
Nico Schottelius
10:08 AM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#10)
Nico Schottelius


05:23 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6694 (Closed): Setup matrix server and bridge matermost into it
* ... and maybe on the way switch to matrix by default?
** unclear, needs testing before
* Requested by at least tw...
Nico Schottelius
03:55 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6693 (In Progress): Document internal networking support, console features, floating IP options
Nico Schottelius
03:48 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6693 (Rejected): Document internal networking support, console features, floating IP options
What we do (not) support how. Based on input from
h2. Int...
Nico Schottelius


05:03 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#5)
Nico Schottelius
04:03 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#4)
Nico Schottelius
03:56 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#3)
Nico Schottelius
03:56 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#2)
Nico Schottelius
03:20 PM queue Task #6685: Implement game challenges 1-6
h2. Challenge 1
How the user gets a /64, is NOT part of the challenge. The user has to
have access to a /64 *before*...
Nico Schottelius
12:24 PM queue Task #6685: Implement game challenges 1-6
Why is the status waiting and not in progress Roli? writes:
Nico Schottelius


10:24 PM queue Task #6686 (Rejected): Implement game challenges 7-
To be defined:
* challenge 7:
* challenge 8:
* challenge 9:
* challenge 10:
Nico Schottelius
09:36 PM queue Task #6685 (Rejected): Implement game challenges 1-6
* challenge 1: register an ipv6 network (10 points)
** we generate a random ip in that network, name it "user ip"
Nico Schottelius
07:26 PM queue Task #6679: Create ungleich game, a flask based game to show system engineering skills
when starting, update this ticket status, please Nico Schottelius
10:20 AM queue Task #6679 (Rejected): Create ungleich game, a flask based game to show system engineering skills
* high score & intro on landing page
* toolchain (= tools that you will use)
** flask
** pipenv
** etcd
Nico Schottelius
07:02 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6683 (Rejected): Fix OpenNebula vxlan creation / check differences to manual creation

h2. Creating manually
Creating vxlans manually works in our networks:...
Nico Schottelius
05:55 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6681: Create a distributed firewall PoC based on uncloud/nft
Watching on different servers nicely works:... Nico Schottelius
05:51 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6681: Create a distributed firewall PoC based on uncloud/nft
Checking mac addresses, inside != outside:... Nico Schottelius
05:49 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6681 (In Progress): Create a distributed firewall PoC based on uncloud/nft
* testing consul kv... Nico Schottelius
05:35 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6681 (Rejected): Create a distributed firewall PoC based on uncloud/nft
h2. Design
* uncloud needs to know about opennebula VMs
** we have an importer for this one
* uncloud needs to b...
Nico Schottelius


11:08 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6651: The network documentation ticket
Good! If you correctly configure your router now, IPs in the networks will automatically be reachable! Nico Schottelius


11:49 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#10)
Nico Schottelius
11:33 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6671 (Closed): Setup mastodon/pleroma for ungleich
* See for an explanation
* OS: your choice
* once manual fo...
Nico Schottelius


07:28 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6632: Setup all servers physically and BIOS / idrac
cc youngrong Nico Schottelius
04:44 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6663 (Closed): Create and publish new Alpine 3.9 image
Should also be executed by Yury, similar to #6663.
Difference: This image needs to be updated from 3.8
Nico Schottelius
04:44 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6662 (Closed): Create and publish new Alpine 3.8 image
Should also be executed by Yury, similar to #6660.
Difference: This image probably only needs to be downloaded/migh...
Nico Schottelius
04:43 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6661 (Closed): Create and publish new Ubuntu 19.04 image
Should also be executed by Yury, similar to #6660. Difference: This is not a pre-release.
Youngrong, your task to ...
Nico Schottelius
04:00 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6660 (Closed): Create new Devuan Beowulf pre-release image
* Take an existing Devuan Ascii
* Change the sources.list entries from ascii to beowulf
* apt update && apt dist-up...
Nico Schottelius
10:39 AM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_routing_infrastructure (#1)
Nico Schottelius
10:37 AM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: Wiki (#35)
Nico Schottelius
10:03 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#7)
Nico Schottelius


05:44 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#6)
Nico Schottelius
05:00 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#16)
Nico Schottelius
04:59 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#15)
Nico Schottelius


01:26 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6601: Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
Nice! writes:
Nico Schottelius
12:07 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#14)
Nico Schottelius
12:06 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#13)
Nico Schottelius
12:48 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#11)
Nico Schottelius
12:41 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#10)
Nico Schottelius
11:28 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#5)
Nico Schottelius
11:23 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#4)
Nico Schottelius
08:39 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#3)
Nico Schottelius
01:15 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#2)
Nico Schottelius
01:14 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: List_of_IPv6_unreachable_websites (#1)
Nico Schottelius
01:13 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: Wiki (#3)
Nico Schottelius
01:12 AM ipv6 Wiki edit: Wiki (#2)
Nico Schottelius
12:39 AM ipv6 The IPv6 project is public
This project is about collecting, exchanging, updating information regarding IPv6 (only) deployements.
Anything fr...
Nico Schottelius


11:49 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#9)
Nico Schottelius
11:46 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#8)
Nico Schottelius
11:45 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#7)
Nico Schottelius
11:39 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#6)
Nico Schottelius
10:24 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#5)
Nico Schottelius
08:57 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#4)
Nico Schottelius
08:57 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#3)
Nico Schottelius
08:50 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#2)
Nico Schottelius
08:50 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: IPv6_Hardware_Compatibility_List (#1)
Nico Schottelius
08:49 PM ipv6 Wiki edit: Wiki (#1)
Nico Schottelius
03:39 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6601 (In Progress): Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
Please document how you updated the switch Nico Schottelius
03:09 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6601 (Closed): Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
* It's reachable via IPv6, static route Nico Schottelius
03:33 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6652 (Closed): Install 2 Linux routers with Alpine Linux
* Create a software raid 1 (or raid 6)
* Have mdadm running
* Install nftables
* Add public ssh keys of ungleich s...
Nico Schottelius
03:30 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6651 (Closed): The network documentation ticket
* Add your network separation in here / define which network is what
* You have a /48, you need to partition into /6...
Nico Schottelius
03:29 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6650 (Closed): Make Mikrotik a router for the fiber network, enable the server network (vlan), use vlan tagging on the mikrotik to be able to be a router
* create a new vlan
* reconfigure port of mikrotik to be a trunk port (= sending tagged frames)
Nico Schottelius
03:22 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6649 (Closed): Create new internal VLAN for place9 WITH a router and move servers to the internal VLAN
* vlan ... name ... (in arista)
* fiber = vlan 1, no tagging
* copper = internal vlan
* ...
Nico Schottelius
03:19 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6648 (Closed): Configure (reset cleanly) a Mikrotik hapAC as a fiber2copper bridge, connect all servers with copper
* Configure WiFi on it with essid = "place9"
** save password in pass, place9-dcl-rebuild/mikrotik
* Use it to brid...
Nico Schottelius
03:08 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6559 (Closed): Understand the current networking infrustructure of place6
Nico Schottelius
03:06 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: List_of_places (#6)
Nico Schottelius
11:41 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6646 (Closed): Load iPXE from IPv4 and chainload ipxe configuration via IPv6
* ipxe is loaded by IPv4
* ipxe itself only has support for IPv6
* ipxe loads configuration file via IPv6 + http fr...
Nico Schottelius
11:39 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6645 (Closed): Setup APU as IPv6 boot server
* Install radvd and configure
* Coordinate the network with Samuel
* Document the network in the wiki
* Setup dhcp...
Nico Schottelius
11:38 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6644 (Closed): Netboot server via IPv4 / internal NIC
* Task done when the server starts ipxe from network Nico Schottelius
11:37 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6643 (Closed): Reinstall / APU as tftp server
* Take an APU from our stock
* Install Alpine Linux to it
* Connect eth0 to the dcl-rebuild network
* Install a DH...
Nico Schottelius
11:33 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6437 (New): build opennebula ARM64 Packages
Nico Schottelius
11:32 AM Open Infrastructure Task #5753 (New): Create Linux beginners guide
Nico Schottelius
11:02 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6642 (Closed): Create iPXE image that boots in IPv6 only environment and burn it to the X520 NIC
Nico Schottelius


12:24 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6600 (Closed): Configure and define upstream networking
Nico Schottelius
12:24 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6600: Configure and define upstream networking
* switch2: fixed, DNS problem.... Nico Schottelius
12:06 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6600: Configure and define upstream networking
* switch2: access denied
* switch3: done
* switch4: done...
Nico Schottelius
12:04 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6600 (In Progress): Configure and define upstream networking
... Nico Schottelius
12:03 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6601: Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
Port 39 in switch1 is not connected:... Nico Schottelius


08:20 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6601: Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
Note: switch1, port33 is a 1gbit trunk port -> seems not to be the right one! Nico Schottelius
11:58 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6601: Setup the arista switches at place6-east and place9
Which switch on provider (=dcl old) side? Nico Schottelius
03:22 PM queue Task #6625: Fix our dkim setup
First check whether the entries are in DNS - I am not sure whether they
are correctly added at the moment
Nico Schottelius
03:20 PM Open Infrastructure Task #6600: Configure and define upstream networking
* switch = :18 for the moment... Nico Schottelius
10:54 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6600: Configure and define upstream networking
ping for marc Nico Schottelius
09:48 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6600: Configure and define upstream networking
all network information is in here. I'll just need the switch+port combination again from your side.
Nico Schottelius
10:55 AM Open Infrastructure Task #6632 (Closed): Setup all servers physically and BIOS / idrac
* Update BIOS to the latest version
* Configure BIOS correctly
** srv-io on
** dma virtualisation on
* configure ...
Nico Schottelius


09:46 PM Open Infrastructure Wiki edit: The_ungleich_VPN_infrastructure (#19)
Nico Schottelius


03:24 PM queue Task #6625 (Closed): Fix our dkim setup
... Nico Schottelius

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