



From 12/30/2023 to 01/28/2024


05:41 PM Task #12344 (Seen): Evaluate kubevirt (Q12024)
* Could it potentially replace opennebula
* If yes, how?
Nico Schottelius
04:27 PM Task #12343: Evaluate cloud-hypervisor (Q12024)
h2. running simple VM... Nico Schottelius
04:23 PM Task #12343 (In Progress): Evaluate cloud-hypervisor (Q12024)
* Might be a lightweight option for running in k8s
* Requires quite some work around it
* No management tooling
* ...
Nico Schottelius
04:07 PM Task #12342 (In Progress): Evaluate Cloudstack (Q1 2024)
h2. Notes
* Not sure if it supports ceph
** Not listed on
Nico Schottelius


06:26 PM Task #12340: Evaluate openstack helm charts
Marked ticket public for public review Nico Schottelius
05:49 PM Task #12340: Evaluate openstack helm charts
h3. Setup openstack client (TBD)
Nico Schottelius
05:49 PM Task #12340: Evaluate openstack helm charts
h2. Setup ceph (in progress)
* already d...
Nico Schottelius
03:33 PM Task #12340: Evaluate openstack helm charts
h2. setup / steps... Nico Schottelius
02:43 PM Task #12340 (In Progress): Evaluate openstack helm charts
Nico Schottelius
02:18 PM Task #12340 (In Progress): Evaluate openstack helm charts
h2. Objective
* Find out whether we can run openstack with it in our IPv6 only clusters
h2. Summary
* Seems ...
Nico Schottelius
02:18 PM Task #12339 (Closed): Evaluate yaaok for openstack in k8s
* Does not have IPv6 support
* Created bug report at on 2023-11-29
Nico Schottelius


06:31 PM Task #8069 (Closed): Investigate potential bottleneck on storage/CEPH at DCL
Nico Schottelius
06:31 PM Task #7890 (Closed): test conntrack sync
Nico Schottelius
10:59 AM Task #8447 (Rejected): Deploy POC IPv6 cluster on DCL (v202009)
Nico Schottelius
10:56 AM Task #6467 (Rejected): Add 2FA as an optional login security measurement
Nico Schottelius
10:54 AM Task #7249 (Rejected): Merge ucloud components into one repository
Nico Schottelius
10:54 AM Task #7190 (Rejected): Add mdadm monitoring via prometheus
Nico Schottelius
10:51 AM Task #6696 (Rejected): Update documentation / instructions on how to login to a new VM
Nico Schottelius
10:51 AM Task #6693 (Rejected): Document internal networking support, console features, floating IP options
Nico Schottelius
10:49 AM Task #9468 (Closed): Test helm kube-prometheus-stack
Nico Schottelius
10:48 AM Task #6541 (Rejected): Monitor fans and power supplies
Nico Schottelius
10:36 AM Task #7456 (Rejected): Prototype support for IPv6 only mail servers
Nico Schottelius
08:52 AM Task #7242 (Closed): Test active-active IPv6/IPv4 configurations on routers
Nico Schottelius
08:52 AM Task #7178 (Closed): Replace routers: router1.place5, router2.place5, router1.place6, router2.place6
Nico Schottelius
08:51 AM Task #7179 (Rejected): Add Slowdown/Cooldown in TOTP verification/serializer
Nico Schottelius
08:51 AM Task #7185 (Rejected): Setup network monitoring system on new off-site VPS
Nico Schottelius
08:51 AM Task #7174 (Rejected): Port the current blog's design to lektor (staticcms)
Nico Schottelius
08:51 AM Task #7153 (Rejected): Experiment with full routing tables
Nico Schottelius
08:50 AM Task #7186 (Closed): Add support for general VPN including IPv4
Nico Schottelius
08:50 AM Task #7201 (Closed): Test BGP based virtual ip
Nico Schottelius


02:44 PM Task #8111 (Rejected): Monitor unbound nodes
Nico Schottelius
02:19 PM Task #6465 (Rejected): Expire the password reset link [datacenterlight, dynamicweb]
Nico Schottelius
02:19 PM Task #6466 (Rejected): Fix the link in the password reset E-Mail [dynamicweb]
Nico Schottelius
02:19 PM Task #6468 (Rejected): When creating an account: Explain to the user that they get an activation mail
Nico Schottelius
02:17 PM Task #6414 (Closed): Expose the console of the VM to the users (noVNC or spice)
via Nico Schottelius
02:16 PM Task #6437 (Rejected): build opennebula ARM64 Packages
Nico Schottelius
02:14 PM Task #6794 (Closed): Find out why request tracker crashes from time to time and fix it
Nico Schottelius
02:12 PM Task #8716 (Rejected): Checkout support for RNG pass through / help to VMs
Nico Schottelius
02:12 PM Task #8687 (Rejected): Adjust django-hosting to run on Alpine Linux
Nico Schottelius
02:12 PM Task #8670 (Rejected): Turn "temper" into an openwrt upstream package
Nico Schottelius
02:12 PM Task #8651 (Rejected): Implement floating IPs
Nico Schottelius
02:08 PM Task #8129 (Closed): Phase in AS207996 for place6
Nico Schottelius
02:08 PM Task #7688 (Closed): Disable rp_filter on router2.place5 (alpine sets =1 on .all and .default)
Nico Schottelius
02:08 PM Task #9487 (Rejected): Migrate our ceph clusters into rook
We phase in new clusters and use the workload inside k8s, mixing is non-trivial due to changing monitor names and add... Nico Schottelius
02:07 PM Task #6869 (Rejected): Challenge OpenStack and OpenNebula with ucloud
Nico Schottelius
02:07 PM Task #6908 (Rejected): ucloud v2 features
Nico Schottelius
02:06 PM Task #7546 (Rejected): VM Security based on LDAP accounts
Nico Schottelius
02:06 PM Task #7544 (Rejected): Write "beginner's guide" for datacenterlight customers
Nico Schottelius
02:06 PM Task #7507 (Rejected): Monitor upstream releases / security advisories
Nico Schottelius
02:06 PM Task #7503 (Rejected): Create script to create new / updated OpenBSD image for OpenNebula
Nico Schottelius
02:06 PM Task #7427 (Rejected): Rough draft to support console on our VMs
Nico Schottelius
02:06 PM Task #7403 (Rejected): Create customer friendly guide for ucloud
Nico Schottelius
02:06 PM Task #7401 (Rejected): Create ucloud package for python/alpine
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7136 (Rejected): Create Git submodules
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7135 (Rejected): Monitor nginx status codes in prometheus
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7117 (Rejected): Make ungleich-otp better usable for the public
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6980 (Rejected): Research and publish how we deal / have to deal with court orders and foreign authorities
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6919 (Rejected): Define incident / downtime notification channels and reaction times
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6780 (Rejected): Create an RFC for ungleich-otp
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6763 (Rejected): Mirror debian (maybe from / with help of
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6727 (Rejected): Create a terraform provider
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6720 (Rejected): Create a proxy to reduce latency of package downloads
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6712 (Rejected): Rework public key management on the DCL website
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6708 (Rejected): Create infrastructure usable for IPv6 workshops
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7089 (Rejected): [dynamicweb] Implement 2FA in dynamicweb with ungleich-otp
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7087 (Rejected): [dynamicweb] Remove password in email and replace it with a link to set it via dashboard
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7086 (Rejected): [dynamicweb]Expose password reset option in the user dashboard
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7053 (Rejected): Make nodejs/npm work on IPv6 only hosts
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7044 (Rejected): Document IPv6 only NAT64 enabled client network issues
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #7033 (Rejected): [dynamicweb] Payment fails without a proper message
Nico Schottelius
02:05 PM Task #6989 (Rejected): Research LEETSPEAK websites
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #7285 (Rejected): Flows to implement and do document for go live (parent)
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #7278 (Rejected): Define how networking works in ucloud
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #7206 (Rejected): Create ucloud page under
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #6931 (Rejected): ucloud-host
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #6915 (Rejected): Introduce host status' and over/underbooking constraints
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #6897 (Rejected): Create ucloud-image service
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #6877 (Rejected): Start the first VMs on place9 cluster using ucloud (ucloud v1)
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #6857 (Rejected): Create ucloud-firewall
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #6995 (Rejected): ucloud-pay v1: Implement payment support into ucloud
Nico Schottelius
02:04 PM Task #6996 (Rejected): ucloud-pay v2: add support for retrieving payments from ZKB
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #7650 (Rejected): Synchronise opennebula VMs with etcd
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #7629 (Rejected): Add referral link system in dynamicweb (DCL, IPv6OnlyHosting etc)
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #7604 (Rejected): Find out why ciara2 was not automatically detected to be offline
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #7561 (Rejected): Update mystrom switches to support IPv6 only networks
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #7757 (Rejected): opennebula incorrectly re-uses vncs ports
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #7689 (Rejected): Update certbot on several VMs
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #6904 (Rejected): Implement ucloud-image-store management
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #6903 (Rejected): Create a cdist type for
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #6900 (Rejected): Allow creating an image from a file in ucloud-api and ucloud-cli
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #6899 (Rejected): Create ucloud-file-scan service
Nico Schottelius
02:03 PM Task #7138 (Rejected): Nico's open / next points for ucloud
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #7205 (Rejected): Try 1: Installing ucloud on Arch Linux
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #8421 (Rejected): Setup matrix voyager bot for ungleich
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #8202 (Rejected): ceph upstream: ask for one more digit in ceph -s
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #8201 (Rejected): Setup our own NTP pool
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #6406 (Rejected): Document our LDAP setup and make it publicly available
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #6395 (Rejected): Add a FreeBSD NOINET image for
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #6326 (Rejected): [user request] Support SEPA payments for VMs/Storage
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #6310 (Rejected): [user request] Add OpenBSD images
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #6279 (Rejected): Implement different payment cycles for VMs
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #6262 (Rejected): [user request] Warn users what happens on VM delete / make it more clear to users
Nico Schottelius
02:02 PM Task #6258 (Rejected): Expose IPv6 vs. IPv4 statistics publicly
Nico Schottelius
02:01 PM Task #5929 (Closed): Add public kubernetes support
Nico Schottelius
02:00 PM Task #7010 (Closed): Fix Alpine Linux installer to support serial && push it upstream
Nico Schottelius
02:00 PM Task #7009 (Rejected): Find out why Alpine Linux hangs at boot when it does not have a link on a device with dhcp
Nico Schottelius
01:59 PM Task #7229 (Rejected): Make __letsencrypt_nginx_cert to work on alpine
Nico Schottelius
01:58 PM Task #5928 (Rejected): Introduce API support for VM handling: create and delete operation (and maybe image upload)
Nico Schottelius
01:58 PM Task #5882 (Rejected): Document the netboot setup
Nico Schottelius
01:58 PM Task #5753 (Rejected): Create Linux beginners guide
Nico Schottelius
01:57 PM Task #7649 (Rejected): Sketch a VM backup & restore
Nico Schottelius
01:57 PM Task #7654 (Rejected): Get VMs info from Opennebula and save it in etcd
Nico Schottelius
01:56 PM Task #7953 (Rejected): Normalize user management
Nico Schottelius
01:56 PM Task #7937 (Rejected): Estimate the effort to create matrix web client; create minimum sample
Nico Schottelius
01:56 PM Task #7930 (Rejected): Monitoring LAN in place6
Nico Schottelius
01:56 PM Task #7893 (Rejected): Remove TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 from our webhostings
Nico Schottelius
01:54 PM Task #7876 (Rejected): UI/UX improvement suggestions for matrix
Nico Schottelius
01:48 PM Task #7504 (Rejected): Document OpenNebula image creation
Nico Schottelius
12:56 PM Task #6255 (Rejected): Find the right settings for kubernetes in ipv6 only settings
Nico Schottelius
12:56 PM Task #6049 (Rejected): Publish / document our Kubernetes / IPv6 experiences
Nico Schottelius
12:55 PM Task #6071 (Rejected): [user request] Checkout how to enable AES-NI or PCLMULQDQ CPU features
Nico Schottelius
12:52 PM Task #6052 (Rejected): Document IPv6 routing service
Nico Schottelius
12:29 PM Task #7284 (Closed): router1.place6 phase back in
Nico Schottelius
12:29 PM Task #7552 (Closed): Add some non-critical traffic to router1.place6
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7295 (Rejected): Flow 10: as a sysadmin, I want to be able to see statistics
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7294 (Rejected): Flow 9: as a user I want to have an overview of my spendings and bills
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7293 (Rejected): Flow 8: As a user I want to be able to order a new network and use it
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7292 (Rejected): Flow 7: as a sysadmin I want to be able to migrate VMs
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7291 (Rejected): Flow 6: as a sysadmin I want to know / install all requirements
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7290 (Rejected): Flow 5: as a user I want to map an IPv4 address to another VM
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7289 (Rejected): Flow 4: As a user I want to have a dualstack reachable VM
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7288 (Rejected): Flow 3: As a user I want to order a VM with my own OS (IPv6 only)
Nico Schottelius
12:28 PM Task #7287 (Rejected): Flow 2: As a user I want to order an IPv6 only VM (via cli) (existing OS)
Nico Schottelius


06:53 PM Task #7777 (Closed): Create Documentation of Nextcloud
Nico Schottelius
06:52 PM Task #7187 (Closed): Configure prometheus blackbox exporter to monitor via IPv4 and IPv6
Nico Schottelius
06:52 PM Task #7122 (Closed): Setup production etcd cluster in place6
Nico Schottelius

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